Torres del Paine National Park

Chilean Government announces Climate Change Observatory

 President of Chile announcing the creation of the Observatory.

The project, which aims to transform the country into a global climate change detector, will be headed by the Ministry of Science with the collaboration of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Environment.  
March, 2021.- After a meeting of the Antarctic Policy Council led by President Sebastián Piñera at the Government Palace, the Chilean authority announced the creation of the Climate Change Observatory (Observatorio de Cambio Climatico), an initiative to use the world's most valuable evidence on this important phenomenon that impacts all of us. 
Regarding the project, President Sebastián Piñera said: "Today I want to announce that with the leadership of the Ministry of Science, Chilean Antarctic Institute and Ministry of Foreign Affairs we have launched the Climate Change Observatory. This observatory will allow us to observe, measure and feel the evolution of the threat of climate change from Visviri, in the North end of the country to Union Glacier Station in Chilean Antarctica. In this way, just as astronomical observatories take advantage of the purity of our skies to be the eyes of the world in the exploration of the universe, this climate change observatory will take advantage of our wonderful and unique geography, and of our permanent presence in Antarctica, to be the observant and vigilant eyes to combat climate change".
Melting Iceberg.
Image: Pixabay                                                                                                                                                                           
In this way, the CCO will integrate sensors installed throughout the country and data from them through three main components: a platform, governance and a technical team to be led by the Ministry of Science with the collaboration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment; a new sensor network at Antarctic stations through an INACH (Chilean Antarctic Institute) project and an integrated network of sensors for earth observation.
The Minister of Science, Andres Couve, pointed out that "the sustainable future is built from Chile. This need has been stated by international and our scientific communities and it is more necessary than ever, the observation and scientific evidence for climate decisions. That is why we will promote the Climate Change Observatory, which will make climate data available with interoperable standards; implement a network of sensors in the Antarctic stations and advance towards an integrated network of sensors and data with the help of public, private and academic institutions. Thus, from the North to Antarctica, we will be able to have, for example, information on temperatures, precipitation, sea levels, ice mass levels, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, among many others", said the Minister of Science, Andres Couve.
"Climate change is the greatest challenge we face as a generation and this observatory will provide Chile and the world with key data to address it. This, thanks to the data provided by sensors installed throughout our country that will allow us to take advantage of its great geographic diversity to have integrated information generated from the different territories", said the Minister of Environment, Carolina Schmidt and President of COP25 about the initiative.
