Torres del Paine National Park

Playa Las Torpederas (Las Torpederas Beach)

Playa Las Torpederas in Valparaiso, Chile
A view of Las Torpederas

Las Torpederas is a small (but the best-known) beach in Valparaiso, at the foot of Playa Ancha hill, the western end of the bay. The place owes its name to the Torpedo Boats belonging to the Chilean Navy that took part in the War of the Pacific in 1879 and which used to anchor here around 1887

In ancient times, it was the vacation center of the Chilean aristocracy, and in the mid-19th century, it already had the first sea bathing facilities, consisting of a perforated box that was submerged until the water reached the bather's chest, ensuring that the swimmer did not drown and was protected from sharks and other animals. By 1919, the nascent tourist center already had a small hotel, a casino and a dance hall where parties with live music were held throughout most of the summer.

Nowadays, only one of the balconies remains, which has been transformed into a restaurant, while the others have disappeared. However, the same festive atmosphere of that time remains, and it is on this beach that the local culture is more evident. It has always been the favorite recreation area for the residents of Playa Ancha, who go down to the coast to enjoy the sun and the sea.

The beach itself is small but very cozy, with its waterfront, stairs and viewpoints, surrounded by a very beautiful park that enhances the charm of the place. It is known as the only beach in Valparaiso that is suitable for swimming, with calm waves, which makes it popular with families with children. Las Torpederas is ideal for learning to swim, without many waves, comparable to a giant pool, although the water is rather cold and there are small stones.

Another interesting fact is that today Las Torpederas Beach is the arrival point in Chile of the undersea cable known as Curie. 
It is a 10,476 km long submarine communication cable owned by Google that connects the city of Los Angeles, California with Valparaiso and the Google Data Center in Quilicura, Santiago de Chile.

Las Torpederas Beach is located in the urban area of Valparaiso and there is good access either by vehicle, public transportation and lodging. The best time to visit the place is during the summer months, specifically from January to April. During this period, temperatures are warm, making it ideal for beach activities, swimming or visiting the surrounding area. 

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