Torres del Paine National Park

Chile: South America's Leading Adventure Tourism Destination 2019

Just as in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, this year 2019 Chile played a protagonist role in the award ceremony of the so-called "Nobel" prizes for tourism. The final competition will be in Oman to choose the best destination worldwide.

Once again, and for the fifth consecutive year, Chile has been recognized as South America's Leading Adventure Tourism Destination at the World Travel Awards (WTA), considered the "Oscars" of tourism.

As in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, our country triumphed over other important competitors such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay, to take the first place in a ceremony held in La Paz, Bolivia.

Cascada de Los Condores, Chile.
Cascada de Los Condores 
Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region

On the other hand, the Atacama Desert was awarded, once again, as the "Most Romantic Destination". In total, the awards obtained by Chile at the ceremony were: South America's Leading Nature Destination, South America's Leading Design Hotel: Tierra Chiloe, South America's Leading Green Hotel: Tierra Atacama.  
The World Travel Awards (WTA) have been delivered since 1993 to recognize and celebrate the existence of the different areas of the tourism industry. Thus, the winners of the ceremony, which was only planned for the region, advance to a World final that will take place on November 28, 2019 in Oman.

"The Flowery Desert", Atacama Desert, Chile.
Photo of The Desert in Bloom, a phenomenon that occurs every certain number of years in the Atacama Desert, the most arid of the planet, consisting of the appearance of a great diversity of flowers in those years when rainfall is unusual and exceed the normal range for this part of Northern Chile.
