Torres del Paine National Park

Museums in Santiago, Chile

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile
The National Museum of Fine Arts, located in front of Parque Forestal, near downtown Santiago, features permanent, temporary, and traveling exhibitions. The beautiful building, inaugurated in 1910, designed by the Chilean-French architect Emile Jequier, currently houses collections of Chilean and foreign art from the colonial period to the present, totaling more than five thousand pieces. Nearest subway station: Santa Lucia, Line 1. 

Behind is situated the Museum of Contemporary Art, created in 1947, run by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Chile, with a collection of about two thousand pieces and files, among which you can appreciate sculptures, paintings and installation art. The Museo de Arte Contemporaneo has two buildings in Santiago, the other one known as "Palacio Versailles", at Quinta Normal Park in Matucana Avenue. 
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10.00 to 18:50 Hrs.

Museo Histórico Nacional  (Chilean National History Museum)

Address: 951 of Plaza de Armas. Founded in 1911, its purpose is to make known the history of Chile from the pre-Hispanic era to the 1970s.  It is located in the main square of Santiago, the heart of the civic center, where the main institutions of the colonial period were located. When the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, founder of the city, died in the Battle of Tucapel in 1553, his property was divided into the Governor's Residence (today's Central Post Office), the Royal Court (today's National History Museum) and the Cabildo Colonial (today's City Hall). 

It has a permanent exhibition that summarizes the history of Chile in 18 themed rooms, and on the ground floor of the museum is the Sala Gobernadores, for temporary exhibitions. Nearby, at the Plaza de Armas subway station, you can also visit the museum's free exhibitions. 
Open: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, except on holidays:  January 1, Good Friday, May 1, September 17, 18 and 19, November 1 and December 25. 

Biblioteca Nacional (National Library of Chile) 

Address: 651 Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Av., with more than two hundred years (founded on August 19, 1813), this public library, which depends on the Ministry of Education, is one of the most important in Latin America, since it includes a bibliographic catalog with over 1,100,000 records and a digital collection catalog with about 165,000 items. There is also the "Memoria Chilena", a digital resource center that includes many thematic researches on the history and specificity of Chile. Located a few steps from the Santa Lucia station, line 1 of the subway.
Open: Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 19:00. Last borrowing is at 18:45.
Saturday: 9:10 to 14:00. Last return is at 13:45.
Closed on Sundays and holidays.

Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda   

Run by a private non-profit foundation, it is an underground cultural space in Santiago, located under the Plaza de la Ciudadania, in front of the southern gate of "La Moneda", the Government Palace. It is a modern cultural center of 7,200 m2, of beautiful architecture with two main exhibition centers.  Fairs and exhibitions of different cultures are offered here, but above all it is a place of great value to understand the social, political and economic changes that Chile has undergone.  

In addition to the two large exhibition halls, there are other smaller venues such as the "Cineteca Nacional", two cinemas with permanent film festivals, the "Centro de Documentacion de las Artes Visuales", audiovisual documents and publications on contemporary art in Chile, the Oriente, Poniente and Lateral showrooms, shops with beautiful handicrafts, etc.

Museo Histórico y Militar de Chile 

Museo Historico y Militar in Santiago, Chile.
Historical and Military Museum of Chile, a first class gallery, the administration is in charge of the Chilean Army Garrison. The museum was inaugurated on November 25, 1997, in the building that housed the first Military School of the Chilean Army. The exhibition consists of a chronological tour that aims to take the visitor through five centuries of Chilean history, highlighting the values and traditions of the Chilean Army.

The exhibition is varied, including military pieces, religious antiques, significant episodes in which the Army has been the protagonist. It also has a library specialized in military history with about 25,000 volumes, educational programs with workshops, courses and guided tours. Its website also includes a virtual museum available to the community. Visit official site here.

Address: 1550 Almirante Blanco Encalada Ave. Phone: 2 26949900, closest subway station: Toesca, line 2. Free admission.
Open: Tuesday to Friday 9:30 to 17:00.
Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00.

Museo Nacional Aeronático y del Espacio    

The National Aerospace Museum is an organization that promotes Chile's aeronautical heritage and offers a variety of exhibits, collections and publications related to the history and development of national aviation. 

It is located in the Cerrillos neighborhood of Santiago, easily accessible by Metro Line 6. The museum has more than 100 aircraft in its gallery, some of which have been declared national monuments, as well as themed rooms on flight and mythology, dreamers and builders, sanitary aviation, engines, weapons, textiles and works of art. Admission to the museum is free and guided tours are available upon request. It is an ideal place for aviation enthusiasts and those who want to learn more about the role of aviation in the history and culture of Chile.

Address: 5000 Pedro Aguirre Cerda Ave.
Nearest subway station: Cerrillos, Line 6
Phone: 56 224363991
Opening Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed on Mondays

Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos

Museum of Memory and Human Rights, address: 501 Matucana St., Quinta Normal Metro Station, Santiago.
On September 11, 1973, Chile suffered a breakdown of democracy. The economy was in deep crisis, society had reached an extreme level of political polarization, upheaval and violence, on both sides. The military junta led by General Augusto Pinochet overthrew the government of President Salvador Allende in a violent coup. 

The many economic achievements and modernization of the country during the 17 years of military rule were unfortunately stained with human rights violations and repression. Today, the Museum of Memory and Human Rights is a space dedicated to remembering and reflecting on the human rights violations committed during the military government in Chile between 1973 and 1990.

Museo Interactivo "Mirador"

Address: 6711 Punta Arenas St., La Granja Municipality. Here you can live a fun and interactive experience. Especially dedicated to children, students and the general public who want to learn about science and the environment around them through direct participation by touching, feeling and experiencing. 
Open: Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 to 18:30, including holidays, except 01 January, 01 May, 25 December.

Museo Interactivo Artequin

Artequin  Museum, Santiago, Chile.
Address: 3530 Portales Av., Estacion Central Commune, Metro Station: Quinta Normal, Line 5.

The Artequin Museum is a nonprofit corporation supported by the City of Santiago and the private sector, an interactive exhibition space that allows children, adolescents and adults to understand art in a fun way through guides and activities such as slideshows, videos, games and didactic lessons. 

Its collection consists of photographic reproductions of universal works representative of the XV to XX centuries. Inaugurated in 1992, it is located in the Pabellon Paris, in front of the Quinta Normal Park Santiago. A very interesting fact is that the Paris Pavilion is a building that was built in France in 1889 to represent Chile in the Paris World Fair, held on the centenary of the storming of the Bastille. Due to its importance and architectural beauty, the Paris Pavilion was declared a National Monument in 1986.

Open to the public: Tuesday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 pm.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 11.00 to 18.00.
Mondays and February closed.

Museo de Artes Visuales (Visual Arts Museum)

Address: 307 Jose Victorino Lastarria St., (Mulato Gil de Castro Square).  Located in the Lastarria neighborhood near Santa Lucia Hill, a center of attraction, recommendable place for tourists due to the tranquil surroundings, besides being an entertainment center by the number of theaters, art galleries and museums that are concentrated here. Inaugurated in 2001, the 6 exhibition rooms contain more than 1500 works by Chilean artists, with sculptures, paintings, installation art, photography, etc.
Open: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30 to 18:30.
Mondays and holidays closed.

Museo Arqueologico  (Archaeological Museum)

Created in 1981 next to the Museum of Fine Arts in the "Mulato Gil de Castro" square, in the Lastarria district, this small gallery displays a collection of more than 3300 archaeological pieces belonging to ancient cultures from the north, central and south of the country, as well as the Polynesian "Rapa Nui" ethnic group. One of its main attractions is the mummy of the Chinchorro culture, people who inhabited the coast of the Atacama Desert between 7020 and 1500 B.C. This ancient people were the first in the world to artificially mummify their dead.

Museo de Arte Precolombino  (Chilean Museum of Precolumbian Art)

Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago de Chile

Address: 361 Bandera St. (corner of Compañia St., just one block from Plaza de Armas), spacious and renovated facilities to go back in time and learn about the ancient American cultures from Mexico to the southernmost region of Chile. Built in 1805 to house the Palacio de la Real Aduana (Royal Customs Palace) during the colonial period. 
Open: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00.
Closed on Mondays.

Museo Casa Colorada  (Red House Museum) 

Address: 860 Merced Street, in the heart of Santiago, half a block from the main square. This building was the residence of Mateo de Toro y Zambrano, president of the First Government Junta, who lived here until his death in 1811, and its facade and interior represent what was the architecture of the colonial era. The five exhibition halls reflect four centuries of the history of the city of Santiago, from pre-Hispanic times to the late 19th century.
Open:  Tuesday to Friday, from 10:00 to 18:00.
Saturday: 10:00 to 17:00 hrs.
Sunday: 11:00 to 14:00, Monday closed.

Museo La Merced   

Address: 341 Mac Iver St., next to the Temple of La Merced, religious order established in Chile since 1549. The Museum was created in 1873 and conceived initially as an antiques museum, with a variety of items of different quality and origin, this being the beginning of one of the richest collections where today you can find mostly religious objects of colonial times and of pre hispanic cultures besides and interesting exhibition of the Rapanui civilization of Easter Island. 
Open: Monday to Friday: 9:00 to 14:00,  15:00 to 18:00
Saturday and Sunday: closed.

Museo del Carmen 

Next to the Templo Votivo de Maipú (Votive Temple of Maipu, one of the communes that make up the metropolitan area). This museum keeps valuable  documents, treasures and civil and religious clothing  from the times of the Colony and Independence. Among the  documents stand out the original minutes of installation of the First  Government Junta,  in 1810.
Open: Tuesday to Friday: 09:30 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 18:00, Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 18:00 hours.

Museo de Bomberos de Santiago

Address: 978 Santo Domingo St.
Phone:  56 223061500
The Firemen's Museum of Santiago is a place that pays homage to the history and the value of the Chilean firemen, constituted by volunteer personnel who have the greatest support from the citizenship. In its rooms you can appreciate objects, uniforms, medals and antique vehicles that show the evolution of this activity over the years. 

The museum is located in the old barracks of the First Fire Company, a building declared a national monument for its architectural and heritage value. It is a good option to learn more about the culture and history of Santiago, and to admire the work and sacrifice of the firefighters who have served the city.

Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 AM- 6.00 PM
Free admission 

Museo de Autos Antiguos 

Vintage Car Museum of Santiago, Chile.
The Old Cars Museum is a non-profit organization, as attractive as little known. The exhibition was inaugurated on September 18, 2010, as a tribute to the bicentenary of the Republic of Chile. 

In the opinion of experts in the field, this museum is the most comprehensive of its kind in the whole Southern Hemisphere. As its owner Mr. Gabriel Lira states, a large percentage of the cars are in such good condition that could make a journey of hundreds of kilometers, reaching without problems the city of La Serena, 465 Km. away and many others even to Arica, distant 2032 km. from Santiago. The exhibit also features the Sala de Defensa, displaying material that has belonged to the Chilean Army.
The facility is open for visits from Monday to Friday.
Open: 10:00 to 17:00 hours.
Address: 200 Cañaveral St., Commune of Quilicura, Santiago.

Museo de Historia Natural  (Natural History Museum)

Located inside the Quinta Normal Park in Santiago. With areas of Anthropology, Botany, Paleontology, Zoology and Entomology, this renovated museum reopened its doors in May 2012 after having been damaged in the great earthquake of 2010.
Open: Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 to 17:30 Hrs.
Sundays and Holidays (except Mondays): 11:00 to 17:30 Hrs.
Closed January 1, May 1, September 18 and 19, December 25.

Museo de Arte Colonial  (Colonial Art Museum)

Address: 834 Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Av., Santa Lucia Station, Line 1 of the Metro. Created in 1969 under the support of the Franciscan Congregation. It comprises seven exhibition halls and the San Francisco Church, one of the oldest buildings of Santiago de Chile as it began to be built in 1575,  declared National Monument in 1951. Although some maintenance is needed as several earthquakes have affected the structure since its inception, this exhibit of Andean Colonial Art is very interesting, especially the valuable pictorial works, working in silver, iron and other pieces. There is also the section called "Gabriela Mistral" (prominent Chilean Nobel Prize for Literature), where important documents of the writer are shown, along with the medal and diploma granted by the Swedish Academy to award the Nobel Prize.
Open: Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 13:30 and 15:00 to 18:00 Hrs.
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 to 14:00 Hrs.
Holidays closed.

Museo de Artes Decorativas  (Decorative Arts Museum)

Address: 683 Recoleta Ave., Cerro Blanco Station, Line 2 of the Metro. Located in the Centro Patrimonial Recoleta Dominica, interesting museum complex built from what was the "Convento de la Recoleta Dominica".

With more than 2,500 pieces covering about twenty items, from silverware to porcelain, from ceramics to ivories, from the Eastern World to Hispano-America and over time from Ancient Greece to the present.
Open: Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:30 Hrs. 
Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, including September 17, December 24 and 31.

"La Chascona"   ("La Chascona" House- Museum)

"La Chascona", Pablo Neruda's house in Santiago

Address: 0192 Fernando Marquez de la Plata St., Barrio Bellavista. "La Chascona" is the name with which the Chilean Nobel Prize for Literature Neftali Reyes Basoaldo, (better known as Pablo Neruda), called to the house he had in Santiago. This House- Museum is a great attraction for visitors because apart from its rich history, culture and valuable documents, holds collections brought from around the world by the famous poet. This National Monument is located in the bohemian Barrio Bellavista, near the San Cristobal Hill, one of the areas most visited by tourists in Santiago, with many bars, restaurants and cultural centers.
Open: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 to 18:00 (from March to December)
Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 to 19:00 during (January and February).

Museo Violeta Parra 

Violeta Parra Museum is located at 37, Vicuña Mackenna St., Commune of Providencia, Santiago. Gallery that reveals the life and work of Violeta Parra, exceptional artist and researcher of the Chilean folklore. 

Violeta rescued the folk music and traditions of the worker and peasant world. She was a multifaceted person because besides singer- songwriter, she also excelled as a painter, sculptor, ceramicist and embroiderer and is nowadays considered one of the major folklorists in Latin America.

Museo de la Moda  (Fashion Museum of Santiago) 

Ford Escort car that once belonged to Lady Diana
Car of Diana, Princess of Wales
Image: Emol online newspaper               
Address: 4562 Vitacura Av., Commune of Vitacura, Santiago. The Museo de la Moda is a private non- profit institution located in the commune of Vitacura, Santiago de Chile, which formerly was home to the Yarur - Bascuñan family, building dating from 1962. It was inaugurated in July 2007 by the Fundación Museo de la Moda , created in 1999 by Jorge Yarur Bascuñán, son of the lawyer and businessman Jorge Yarur Banna. This Fashion Museum collects, preserves and displays mainly garments that have been donated or acquired at international auctions, its collection is one of the most comprehensive among the private galleries in Chile since the exhibited pieces date from the Vth. century BC to the present.

Some of the curiosities that can be found within these collections are: The red dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in 1956 for the premiere of the play "A View from the Bridge"; the mythical black leather jacket and a glove of the same material used by the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie "Terminator"; the wedding dress with which the actress Elizabeth Taylor married for the second time with Richard Burton in 1975; the black dress worn by Diana Princess of Wales in 1981 after announcing her engagement to Prince Charles; the military style jacket worn by John Lennon on the cover of a Life Magazine of 1966; a green velvet jacket worn by the musician Kurt Cobain in the concert Live and Loud of 1993; the white dress worn by singer Amy Winehouse on the cover of her 2006 album "Back to Black", etc., etc.
In June 2021, the Museo de la Moda acquired in an auction via online, the Ford Escort car that once belonged to Lady Di. The car had been given by Prince Charles as an engagement present and was used by the Princess until 1982. The vehicle maintains its original paint and license plate, with a mileage of 133600 km.
Open:  Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. 
On Mondays: closed to the public.
Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 to 19:00 Hrs.

Museo Ferroviario (Railway Museum)

Since December 1984, entertaining visit to this outdoor museum with one of the main railway collections of steam locomotives in South America. It is located jn the interior of the Parque Quinta Normal in the capital of Chile, run by the Corporación Privada para la Divulgacion de la Ciencia y Tecnologia.

The Museum has a set of 16 locomotives and four wagons of patrimonial significance. Each unit has written information (bilingual) about its most important technical and historical features. In addition, there is a guide service that shows visitors the importance of the items on display. Nearest Metro station: Quinta Normal, Line 5.

Info +56226814627 - 226814627

Museo Ralli  (Ralli Museum of Santiago) 

Address: 4110 Alonso de Sotomayor St., Commune of Vitacura, Santiago. 
The Ralli Museums make up a private non-profit organization with exhibition galleries in Uruguay, Israel, Spain and Chile whose aim is to show the public the contemporary Latin American Art. 

The Ralli Museum of Santiago, which features a great infrastructure and beautiful gardens, opened its doors in 1992, although not well known yet, it is one of the most beautiful of the Chilean capital. The Gallery has 16 exhibition rooms to house an important collection of Latin American art, unique in Chile, with artists from Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Cuba, among others. There is also an interesting collection belonging to famous artists like Salvador Dali, Marc Chagall, Auguste Rodin and Alexander Calder, who impress with their engravings and sculptures.
Open: Tuesday to Sunday 10:30 to 17:00 hrs.
Holidays: closed.
February: closed.

Museo Jedimar (Jedimar Vintage Car Museum) 

Address: 1240 San Francisco de Borja St., Estacion Central commune. 
Info: 56 974980201
The Jedimar Museum brings together one of the most complete private collections of antique and classic vehicles in Chile and South America. It is possible to find more than 150 models of such renowned brands as Aston Martin, Bugatti, Bentley, Porsche, Jaguar, Studebaker and Ferrari.

The gallery is visited by students, community centers, tourists and car enthusiasts. On each tour, visitors are transported to the different periods and contexts that witnessed the birth of the most emblematic models of automotive history and that are part of the Jedimar collection in Santiago de Chile.

Museo Andino

Address: 0695 Camino Padre Hurtado, 38.5 Km. south of Santiago.
Phone: 2 2362 2524
The Museo Andino (Andean Museum) is an interesting option to learn more about the diversity and richness of the Andean heritage in Chile. The gallery offers a guided tour through its rooms, a 1500 square meter contemporary building, where you can appreciate archaeological pieces, textiles, ceramics, paintings, sculptures and jewelry from various pre-Columbian peoples who inhabited the country. The museum also has a specialized library, a souvenir store and a café.

Open: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00 hrs.

Teatro Municipal  (Municipal Theater of Santiago)

Address: 794 Agustinas St., in the heart of Santiago.  Declared National Monument in 1974, this is the largest and oldest stage in Chile devoted to classical music, ballet and  opera   complemented with other art  manifestations like theater plays,  recitals of famous pianists,  lyrical singers, artists and companies of international renown that are presented on this proscenium.  

Inaugurated on September 17, 1857, it is a French neoclassical building belonging to the Municipalidad de Santiago and even though it suffered a major fire that destroyed it completely in 1870, it was rebuilt with the same appearence of the original construction.
